Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fish Name: Neon Tetra

Personality: Neon Tetras are active schooling fish, and very peaceful. Neon tetras are social, doing best in schools of at least six of their own.

Care: This freshwater fish, which is possibly the most popular aquarium fish, requires at least a 10 gallon tank, fully cycled, with a water temperature of 69 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH around 7.0. They need open space for swimming, vegetation for hiding, and proper food like small flake foods and brine shrimp.

Common Health Issues: It's not unusual for a neon tetra to live 10 years with proper care, but they don't tolerate changes to their environment, so many live much shorter lives. Neon Tetra Disease, which is considered incurable, is the most common issue these fish face.

Training Tips: The best way to enjoy your neon tetras is to watch them swim back and forth, chasing one another. This isn't a fish you want to try to train.

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